You know the old Girl Scout song..."Make new friends but keep the is silver and the other's gold"? Well that's how I feel about these crazy sweaters. Today's Haloween cutie is the one that started it "golden" friend! And even though it could be dubbed an "ugly theme sweater" in today's terms, it is so much more!

Back in the day when this one was purchased, the girlfriends (gold ones) with whom I used to work, and I all collected sweaters for different holidays and we shared in the silly, entertaining and fun fashion finds that offered a little competition, a litlle adventure and a lot of good fun for whatever holiday was around the corner.
Back then our kids were young, really young! Like kindergarten and first grade young. The sweaters went along way with that crowd. Those youngens didn't make fun or call them ugly, oh no, in fact anyone's Mom who wore a pumpkin sweater in October was considered extremely cool...the cool Mom! And that's probably what started the cllection for all of us.
I can remember wearing today's sweater to the West End School 1st grade Halloween Party where I was in charge of the beverages for my first born's class. I recall it was an Indian Summer Halloween around 72 degrees and of course I had a headache (what else is new?) Well there I was in the classroom with a gallon jug of apple cider in my right hand and my 1 year old daughter on my left hip (I'm still lop-sided!). And we poured that cider and handed out cupcakes and that sweater was a hit, made me feel Halloweeny and actual helped me forget the headache.
So that's why today's sweater and a couple of others are just like old, gold friends. Woven into their colored yarns and appliques are the memories of the times we spent with our children pouring cider, sewing costumes, walking and walking and walking in rain or shine for the sake of "Trick or Treat" and that was a time we were the cool ones! Cool Moms in Halloween sweaters.
The Sweater Queen
You're still cool!!
ReplyDeleteHave you ever had a decent haircut?